French Insurance In France

(Generali group)

05 45 82 03 20

Your friendly English speaking insurance agency in France since 1982

French Insurance In France

(Generali group)

Your friendly English speaking insurance agency in France since 1982

Contact us

05 45 82 03 20

Opening times
Mon-Fri 9:00 – 17:00

No Claims bonus for car insurance

The no claims bonus in France is expressed in coefficient, and not in percentage. It starts at coefficient 1 as a new driver. The coefficient that is earned is multiplied by 0.95 each year without claim at fault until it reaches 0.50 which is the maximum entitlement....

Registering your vehicle in France

When bringing in a UK registered vehicle to France, you have a duty to register it with your local French authorities, either prefecture or mairie. This involves getting a “carte grise “ (the equivalent to the log book) and new French number plates. Normally, French...

Tips to reduce car insurance premiums

Opt for a limited mileage policy :If you drive less than 4000km or less than 8000km per year, you could qualify for a low mileage policy which could save you between 15 to 20%. Understand and check your cover:If your car is worth very little, don’t insure it fully...

Burglaries are on the increase !

We have put together a list of tips with our partners Verisure to reduce the risk of break-ins. Lock all entries of your home, even when you are in the property; this includes gates, windows if possible. Daylight burglaries are on the increase, they simply come in...

Healthcare and the PUMA system

In 2016, France introduced the PUMA system, Protection Universelle Maladie. What does it change for an early retiree wishing to live in France? It was created to simplify access to health care and avoid living in France with no health cover. It is also useful for self...
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